Escrima Sticks

Bahi Sticks

Filipino Bahi sticks are created from bahi wood, the center of certain palm trees and imported from the Philippines. Bahi sticks are known for their density, which is of course, why the sticks have become a favorite among Filipino Martial Artists. Modern day Arnis practitioners need to have a pair of bahi sticks in their stick bags because they offer some variation for the practitioner as far as weight and density. Heavy martial arts weapons don't always behave like lighter sticks and we need to be fluent in multiple weights, sizes and dimensions. These bahi sticks are currently for sale on other "super mart" web sites for $45 each.

Although the pictures below show many sticks, the prices below represent individual stick prices.

Bahi Escrima Sticks

SOLD OUT - Bahi Escrima Sticks - 28 inch

Philippine hardwood arnis escrima sticks, smooth and heavy. The old escrima masters appreciated exotic bahi sticks like these when fighting. Simply awesome. Although the picture shows many sticks, the price listed is for a single stick.

Diameter ~ 1 inch.

Sale Price: SOLD OUT ea.
Bahi Pocket Sticks

SOLD OUT 6-8 inch Bahi Pocket Stick

Same great stick above, only shorter. Although the picture shows many sticks, the price listed is for a single stick.

Diameter ~ 1 inch

Sale Price: SOLD OUT ea.
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